ADHD/ADD vs. Gymnastics

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

As an advocate for children living a drug-free life the topic of ADHD/ADD hits close to home. I've heard many children say they are on medications for this "supposed" disorder. I don't think that the parents really understand the risks. The Innovative Educator has been a great resource for parents looking for the truth on ADHD/ADD.

Interestingly, these are symptoms found from webmd:
  • fidgeting, squirming when seated
  • getting up frequently to walk or run around
  • running or climbing excessively when it's inappropriate (in teens this may appear as restlessness)
  • having difficulty playing quietly or engaging in quiet leisure activities
  • being always on the go
  • often talking excessively

This describes EXACTLY the type of kids I want in the gym! 

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